This page has mostly to with the Date and Time, (there is so much information out there concerning this subject). So on this page there are various Calendars both monthly and yearly. This page is also is about time, It's your time, Server time, And my time, Which is Vancouver Island time. - There are also timers and stopwatches. - So as this 1st page loads, It is a dynamic monthly calendar displaying the present month, with gradients displaying what the sun might be doing where you live right now. On the top right corner, is your time in 12 hour format and on the left side is the server time, where this is hosted (on Vancouver Island in BC, Canada). Now when you click the time in the top right corner, it updates the server time on left side of the page.
When designing these pages I used w3.css ( and other ideas from that site and other websites. Then I thought about it. - This is the result. They might not all be perfect as there are so many variables (small phones and large TV screens), but I'm working on them.
The future is not going to stand still. So there is a need to keep up with what is going on - the time to do so was found(COVID-19).