Color Theory
Color theory is a term used to describe the collection of rules and guidelines regarding the use of color in art and design,
as developed since their early days. Color theory informs the designer of color schemes, aiming at aesthetic appeal and the
effective communication of a 'design message' on both the visual level and the psychological level (also: Color temperature is another vital consideration in design).
Modern color theory is heavily based on Isaac Newton's color wheel, which displays three categories of colors:
primary colors (red, yellow, blue), secondary colors (created by mixing two primary colors), and intermediate or
tertiary ones (created by mixing primary and secondary colors). Colors can be combined to form one of the five main color schemes
that allow designers to achieve harmony in their designs (as is noted at the bottom of this page).
When designing this page I used w3.css ( and other ideas from that website. Then I thought about it. - This is the result.
The future is not going to stand still. So there is a need to keep up with what is going on - the time to do so was found(COVID-19).