

Sunday February 02nd, 2025
Nanaimo, BC
Attention Universities, Colleges and Schools;
Professors, instructors and teachers;

Thank you for visiting dimensionalized. In your curriculum, if you have a course for programming, ... one of the projects that could be chosen by the student is to create a 3D Chess game (based on the rules mentioned at dimensionalized.com or you can download them here). It should be designed so that:

- 2 persons could play online
- both boards can be seen as shown in this general look.

Since most persons have Flash, it might be best to do it in Flash. When completed, the end result, this site will advertise both the programmer and the School / University with links. I have studied and practiced with success using SEO methods thereby providing successful links.

If you were to check Googles Top 100 index ranking checker from many countries: Search Keywords: (chess checkers shogi games 3d design) for (dimensionalized.com) you will find that this game is very hot (at website link below, click on 'Submit Query' button). http://link.ezer.com/tools/google_serps_rank_checker.asp?k=chess+checkers+shogi+games+3d+design&u=dimensionalized.com In a world that is changing, chess has been revolutionized but not changed. It teaches dimensional thinking and at the same time is more fun and easier to play.

If you have questions or comments, please contact me on the link at the top. Please give me a call at (250) 802-2575 where you may leave a message or email me at pglover AT dimensionalized.com.

Paul Glover
    Paul Glover

For example,
To find 3D Chess ...
-Search at Yahoo:
Type: 'rules 3D chess' = #1 on the 1st page.
Type: '3d chess' = 1st page.
Type: 'free 3d chess' = 1st page
-Search at Google:
Type: '3d chess rules' = 1st page.
Type: '3d chess instructions' = 1st page
-Search at MSN:
Type: '3D Chess Rules' = 1st page.
