With the above being said and shown, and when you're ready,
try "Chess - The Future Generation".
It's played the same, but on 4 boards (White and Gold vs Black and Silver).
This is a game of team work. As a suggestion, it is best to try the game played by 2 persons to start with.
One person plays both White and Gold and the other person plays the Black and Silver. Then migrate to 4 players.
This is a very suspenseful game! It was tested across Canada in many schools and everyone love it!
Chess will never be the same after playing this game in teams. This illustrates real life! It's a game of cooperation. The only way to win.
Two additional rules for the success of this game.Are you are wondering what it would look like with two boards? Then take a look here. By using your mouse to grab on to the boards, you can move the two boards around. As you do, notice that you can easily see the pieces below. That's because of the way the board is designed. The design is described here.
Father 3D Chess, because the Whole World can play for free.(Read the directions below so as to click on the link above.)
(read the directions below)