Getting Started...
Using the instructions (right) as a guide, we sterilized the containers and equipment. Then I put in the wine base grape juice concentrate and started to add
the filtered the water (of chlorine) and mixed thoroughly. When half full I added the cherry juice concentrate. I also mixed in packet #2 (Bentonite). Finally the fermentor was just above the 23L mark (24-25L) at about 20-25c.
At this point the Initial Specific Gravity: 1.078 -- Temperature: 24c -- 11pm
Yeast was gently sprinkled on the wine (no mixing).
Wed.Jan.18.2012 @ 4pm - Specific Gravity: 0.990
Instead of siphoning the wine, I attached a hose to the bottom of the tap going into the other carboy (so that there would be no oxidation)
and opened up the tap. After the carboy was emptied and cleaned out of all the sediment left behind, it was then refiled (as seen on the right) by gently
pouring the wine back into the original carboy.
Then using the “Vino-o-meter (0-25%)
Vino-o-meter (0-25%) -- Fill the wide end with your wine and wait until a few drops come out the other end. Then turn the vino-o-meter upside down and watch the readings. It will stop at the alcohol percentage. -- It really does work and very well!”
the alcohol content was 11%, so far. After tasting a bit I thought is was quite good at this point.
Let it ferment for about 6 more days or when all bubbling stops. Today is: Jan/21/2012...
Degassing - Date: Jan.23
Added Packet #3 (Potassium Metabisulphite) and mixed thoroughly for about a minute each time I stired the wine.
I stired the wine at least 6-8 times over the next couple of days.
Stabilizing & Clarification
On the 25th I added Packet #4 (Potassium Sorbate) to a ½ cup of warm water and mixed thoroughly for about a minute.
Then I shook the contents of the clear Package #5(Fining Agent) and added it to the wine and again mixed thoroughly for about a minute.
Now I wait, and wait,... for 12 days or so (that's what the instructions say[Feb.6th]). I'll probably wait a bit longer as I won't be filtering it.
BOTTLING - Mar/07/2012
Finally! and almost 23 liters. As you can see I tilted the bottle while filling it so that there would be no splash or foam.
It was all very quick and easy and no mess. Just our time was all that was required to do it, and it was'nt that much either.
General Information with the kit
- Packet #2 (Bentonite) - helps yeast activity and removes proteins
- Packet #3 (Potassium Metabisulphite) - used to prevent oxidation and improve shelf life
- Packet #4 (Potassium Sorbate) - used as an anti-microbial agent to prevent re-fermentation
- Packet #5 (Fining Agent) - removes proteins, which results in a clear stable wine