Welcome to Dimensionalized.com and things 3D.
You have probably wondered what does ‘Dimensionalized’ mean? Well, a photograph has length and width but there really is no height to the picture. It is really just flat! But if you could add or simulate depth or height, then the picture would be 3D or become Dimensionalized. So, to make something dimensional, is to add HEIGHT to length and width. Therefore, …
2D = length x width.
3D = length x width x HEIGHT.
Well, there you have it in a nutshell.The three D’s in 3D.
You will find that there are many pages on this website. They don’t all look the same nor do they all deal with things 3D but you will find that it is all very interesting.
That’s all for now and I’m Paul Glover.
I hope you enjoy your browsing, viewing and playing.