

What is a “3D” game board? and Why play a board game in 3D?
After all, Video games are more popular.

Need to be motivated? This is motivational! Keep reading.
The Final Frontier in playing Chess, Checkers or Shogi,
is playing the game in 3D!

Length x Width x Height = ‘3D’ (‘D’ = Dimensions).
Length x Width = '2D' or a flat ordinary board game.
The game has become 3D when a piece is able to
move down or up, as well as along the length and width of the board!

3D Chess -
The Next Generation
©1990, 1996-2025 3D Chess - The Next Generation
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which includes enpassent ...
Chess (& by extension, checkers, shogi) To reap the rewards, you just need to try. You don't have to be good.

Life is Chess and Chess is Life

  3D Chess('Chess - The Next Generation')
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Hello Everyone;
Here are the visual set of rules for “Chess - The Next Generation” to print a copy for yourself. This will make it possible for many to play the game as they build their own 3D chess game and enjoy it as I have. Thanks.


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What about multitasking?

Is it good for the brain?

CAN the brain multitask?

Well the studies from all over show that it is not good for any of us (even if you think you or someone has a special gift for multitasking).

Take a look here at some of the findings if you Google 'multitasking brain':
multitasking damages your brain ...
how does multitasking change the way kids learn? (true of kids, true of adults).

University of Sussex shows high multitaskers had less brain density ...

Finally, here is what wikipedia says. The report includes Gender differences (there is no evidence of any superiority).

So why not consider just staying focused, as is noted here:
humans are autopilot nearly half-the-time ...

Ok. One more link although there is more links here at: Multitasking vs Single Tasking the same 4 things.

But,... I'm a business owner, you have to multitask! ...Right? - Lower IQ.

But the brain is a SEQUENTIAL processor...
You cannot do any two tasks at the same time, ... if you're using cognitive capacity on each task.
Bottom line: Is there any two things that can be done at the same time? The above link explains.

More info on the brain on this website.

Choose the Number of
3D Chess Boards you need...

The reason for 3D games to be designed and played "this way" is the 'KISS' (Keep It Simple Student) method. If you Keep It Simple, you'll have more fun playing and more will join you. By keeping 3D games simple, they take the same time as a conventional flat board game and they take the same number of moves to play (with the exception of a 4 level board game which takes 5 times longer).

This Page Updated by Paul Glover on: Saturday February 29th, 2020 -- 10:11pm

Please, if you have a moment,
Take a look at the Interesting Details of 3D games.

Strategy Games of Chess, Checkers or Shogi are thinking games that improve the brain. You've heard it said, “If you don't use it, you lose it.” has been proven true in science and in the medical field. Chess has been the only game in history in which 1000's of studies have shown that if a person learned to play chess that it improved their marks and all kinds of skills. Some of the studies shown here are a teachers guide to the benefits of chess, and by extension, checkers and shogi. Studies have also shown how persons who have ADHD, ADD, and dyslexia can benefit by playing chess. The same site goes into listing incredible amount information and other links. Studies have proven older people can continue to learn new things.

Excerpts from ...

... quadcitychess.com quoting from main.uschess.org.

An experimental group showed a significant advancement in spatial, numerical and administrative-directional abilities, along with verbal aptitudes. The improvements held true regardless of the final chess skill level attained.

A four-year study (1979-1983) in Pennsylvania found that the chess-playing experimental group consistently outperformed the control groups engaged in other thinking development programs.

During the 1987-88 “Development of Reasoning and Memory through Chess,” all students in a rural Pennsylvania sixth grade self-contained classroom were required to participate in chess lessons and play games. None of the pupils had previously played chess. The pupils significantly improved in both memory and verbal reasoning. The effect of the magnitude of the results is strong (eta 2 is .715 for the Memory test gain compared to the Norm). These results suggest that transfer of the skills fostered through the chess curriculum did occur.

A 1989-92 New Brunswick, Canada study, using 437 fifth graders split into three groups, experimenting with the addition of chess to the math curriculum, found increased gains in math problem-solving and comprehension proportionate to the amount of chess in the curriculum.

During the 1995-1996 school year, two classrooms were selected in each of five schools. Students (N = 112) were given instruction in chess and reasoning in one classroom in each school. Pupils in the chess program obtained significantly higher reading scores at the end of the year. It should be noted that while students in the chess group took chess lessons, the control group (N = 127) had additional classroom instruction in basic education. The control group teacher was free to use the “chess period” any way he/she wanted, but the period was usually used for reading, math or social studies instruction. The control groups thus had more reading instruction than the chess groups. Even so, the chess groups did better on the reading post-test; therefore, the gains in the chess groups were particularly impressive.

Students who participated in a school chess club showed twice the improvement of non-chess players in Reading and Mathematics between third and fifth grades.

Researchers and educators have questioned what causes this growth. The Venezuelan study claimed: “Chess develops a new form of thinking, and this exercise is what contributes to increase the intelligence quotient.”

Why does chess have this impact? Briefly, there appear to be at least seven significant factors: 1) Chess accommodates all modality strengths. 2) Chess provides a far greater quantity of problems for practice. 3) Chess offers immediate punishments and rewards for problem solving. 4) Chess creates a pattern or thinking system that, when used faithfully, breeds success. The chess playing students had become accustomed to looking for more and different alternatives, which resulted in higher scores in fluency and originality. 5) Competition. Competition fosters interest, promotes mental alertness, challenges all students, and elicits the highest levels of achievement (Stephan, 1988). 6) A learning environment organized around games has a positive affect on students' attitudes toward learning. This affective dimension acts as a facilitator of cognitive achievement (Allen & Main, 1976).

Instructional gaming is one of the most motivational tools in the good teacher's repertoire. Chess motivates them to become willing problem solvers and spend hours quietly immersed in logical thinking. These same young people often cannot sit still for fifteen minutes in the traditional classroom. 7) Chess supplies a variety and quality of problems. As Langen (1992) states: “The problems that arise in the 70-90 positions of the average chess game are, moreover, new. Contexts are familiar, themes repeat, but game positions never do. This makes chess good grist for the problem-solving mill.”

Rob Roy of Connecticut: “Children with special problems can also learn chess. I taught a successful course for emotionally and educationally disadvantaged children in the Waterbury schools and used chess as a way for them to learn and practice self-control.It was like turning on switches in their heads. You see the child looking at a problem, breaking it down, and then putting the whole thing back together. The process involves recall, analysis, judgment and abstract reasoning.”


  • .. is a game for people of all ages.
  • .. develops memory.
  • .. improves concentration.
  • .. develops logical thinking.
  • .. promotes imagination and creativity.
  • .. teaches independence.
  • .. teaches the consequences of actions.
  • .. inspires self-motivation.
  • .. shows that success rewards hard work.
  • .. develops the scientific way of thinking.
  • .. teaches research which breeds patience.
See also: ichessu.com which shows a before/after learning chess graph (concerning memory and creativity), compared to other forms of "enrichment activities".

So if the above paragraph is true and it is,
how much more so a game played in 3D!

When playing a game in 3D, it teaches someone to think dimensionally or spatial thinking. After all, the world is in 3D. Therefore 'Technical Drawing' or 'Interior Decorating' all require spatial thinking because there is cubical space in a room not just floor space!

Some have said, after playing a few games in 3D, they did not want to go back to a regular flat board. You don't have to be a master at these games to reap the rewards as mentioned in the list on the right. So give it a try.

So can the brain multitask? What is multitasking? Is it good or bad?

Think how'll your brain will start functioning!
Both the Left and Right side of the brain.
(Of course, you could take this negatively.)

YouTube 2min Tutorial - How to Play 3D Chess
3D Chess Photos
3D Chess Table