Paul is White in this 1st game.So he choose to be on the Bottom, 'B' Level.
Therefore, Garret must be on 'A' Level or the top board.
In the
2nd Game Garret is White and will choose ...
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Just finished creating a nice invisable wall with my Knight,but Black is about to fork my Queen and King and say check!
Bishop drops below King (Aa5-Bb6). Creates the fork and says check!
The movement in the picture creates the illusion that the picture is 3D.
Garret choose to be Black for the 2nd game and therefore
Paul is White and gets to choose the Board Level.
This time to be different he choose the Top Board or Board Level 'A'. Therefore, Garret must be on 'B' or Bottom Level.
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White Knight just moved to Bottom level on the knight file.

White squared Bishop just moved to rook file.
No pieces have been taken.