3D Chess, 3D Checker board for the Top Board Level.
In every page that shows a 3D game of chess or checkers, you will notice that the chess / checker board is mostly clear and is divided into quarters. This allows the person not to be distracted by the board but assist in playing an enjoyable game being able to see all of the pieces and know where the center of the board is on both boards.
- Each board is 1⁄8th% Black and 7⁄8th% Clear.
This guarantees the ability to see the pieces below. - The board is made of a durable plexy glass of 1⁄8th inch thick and a
black vinyl silk screening for the squares printed on the back. - The 8 squares in length and width: 12 and ¾ inches or 320mm.
- The board is divided up into quarters.
This helps you know where center is at all times - White pieces are setup on either Board Level ‘A’ or ‘B’:
Black then sets his pieces up on the other level. This applies to Checkers as well. - A quick buy here for $25xx
- View a Demo by Moving these boards around with your mouse
- Click here for further instruction on how to play
- A Flash Demo for each piece of the game
- Watch a game — checkmate in 14 moves.
A clear board really enhances the game. You can now truly see all the pieces.
After White has chosen which level (A or B), then Black is then on the other level.
Just a quick note: The person playing the bottom has the advantage because that person is now forced to look through the top board (mentally taking note of more possible moves).