3‑D Checkers (4 boards)

3‑D Checkers — The Next Generation’ — Paul Glover © 1989 1990­ — 2011

3D Check­ers relies on all the offi­cial rules for Check­ers. This includes the rule that a play­er must cap­ture, when able to do so, rather than make a non-cap­tur­ing move. The player(s) that have no pieces or can­not move loses.

The only change to the game is the fact that there are three more boards added. The game also may be played by 2, 3, or 4 play­ers in teams or every­one for themselves.
When play­ing 3 play­ers the black is removed and the blue pieces are put along the
back row of all 4 boards. How­ev­er because of the dimen­sion­al fac­tor, there is a need
for addi­tion­al instruc­tions as to how the pieces move dimensionally.

Teams: -Black / Green- vs -Red / Blue-.
(Or: Player‑1 plays Black/Green and Player‑2 plays Red/Blue)
Order of Play: Black moves 1st, then Red, Blue, Green in that order at all times.

3-D Checkers - The Next Generation
To speed up the game, board lev­els become closed and as not­ed in the pic­ture, there is anoth­er piece called the Prince. Make sure the ‘dou­ble black cor­ner’ (#1, #5) is on your right. This rule also applies to chess.
Checker board numbering 1-32The Arrange­ment of Men to start the game for Black, on the black squares (#1 to #12) on lev­el ‘A’ (left to right) and #1–4 on ‘B’ lev­el. The Princes are placed on squares 1­4 on ‘A’ lev­el. The Red pieces are placed sim­i­lar­ly on the flipped side of the ‘A and B’ board lev­el. The Blue and Green pieces are placed on board lev­el ‘D and C’ as shown in the pic­ture. Blue is placed so that it is under­neath Black. Green is placed so that it is under Red.

Uncrowned Piece may only move for­ward on black squares as in reg­u­lar check­ers. How­ev­er going straight up/down does not con­sti­tute a back­ward movement.

Cap­ture of a piece is as in reg­u­lar check­ers for all pieces on the flat board, however
when cap­tur­ing from one lev­el to anoth­er it may:

  • Cap­ture the oppos­ing piece that is direct­ly above the square that it is on, and land
    on the square that is direct­ly above the oppos­ing piece, there­fore going from level
    ‘A’ cap­tur­ing the one on lev­el ‘B’, and land­ing on lev­el C (A1 x B1 land­ing on C1).
  • Cap­ture the oppos­ing piece that is diag­o­nal­ly for­ward and above the square that it
    is on. For exam­ple:
    A Green check­er on D25(near bot­tom left corner):..
    • could cap­ture an oppos­ing piece that was on D22 and land on D18.
    • ­could cap­ture an oppos­ing piece that was on C22 and land on B18.
    • ­could cap­ture an oppos­ing piece that was on C25 and land on B25.

    (This would apply both going up and down in order to cap­ture a piece or pieces.)

Crown­ing of a piece is the same as in stan­dard check­ers (by mov­ing your piece to
the oppo­site side of the board to any of the four levels).

  • When a CAPTURED move brings a Sin­gle Check­er to King’s row, he may also
    con­tin­ue cap­tur­ing direct­ly above or below the square that it is sit­ting on (the
    square on Kings’ row). He can­not leave Kings’ row until he is crowned. He may
    then leave on the fol­low­ing move. The KING may now move for­ward and

Clos­ing of a Board Lev­el is described as “Closed” when there is only one
Check­er, King, Prince or Crowned Prince of any colour left on that board lev­el. The
first lev­el that can close will be ‘A’ or ‘D’.

  • No Sin­gle Check­er or King may go to a closed lev­el. That last Check­er piece on 
    the closed lev­el, is frozen there until, when he choos­es to (or forced, by hav­ing to
    jump), must only move ver­ti­cal­ly or ver­ti­cal­ly diag­o­nal to a lev­el that has checker
    pieces on it (this does not apply to a Prince or Crowned Prince).
  • When the last piece on a closed lev­el is moved off, there will be no pieces on that
    lev­el. That lev­el is now con­sid­ered FINISHED, and no piece may go to a
    fin­ished lev­el. This is shown, by putting a small piece of paper on that level.
  • For a lev­el to be closed, it will be one of two things:
    1.  There will be no pieces on any oth­er lev­els above it. OR
    2.  There will be no pieces on any oth­er lev­els below it.

There are four Princes per side that are placed on King’s row, lev­el ‘A and D’.
Black / Blue:  #1 ­ #4
Red / Blue:  #29 ­ #32

A Prince Cap­tures and Moves as in stan­dard check­ers, ON A LEVEL.
When cap­tur­ing from one lev­el to anoth­er, he may move only one lev­el at a time,
land­ing on the same lev­el as the cap­tured piece. For exam­ple: a Green Prince on ‘D29
can cap­ture a Red piece on ‘C25’ land­ing on ‘C22’. It can move on a Closed Level.

A Prince Mov­ing to a Closed Lev­el re­opens that lev­el. This is because there
are now two pieces on that lev­el. It can­not move to a fin­ished level.

A Crowned Prince (Cap­tures after reach­ing the oppos­ing side on any level)
has a check­er piece put under it. It may now also cap­ture the same as a Checker
KING. It thus now has a choice. For exam­ple: a Green Crowned Prince on ‘D29’ can
cap­ture a Red piece on ‘C25’ land­ing on ‘C22’ or land on ‘B22’.  That same piece on
D29’ could now also cap­ture straight up, cap­tur­ing ‘C29’ and land­ing on ‘B29
(D29 x B29) or cap­tur­ing straight up/down from the square that it is sit­ting on.

A Crowned Prince Mov­ing to a Closed Lev­el re­-opens that lev­el. This is
because there are now two pieces on that lev­el. It can­not move to a fin­ished lev­el. A
Crowned Prince may also move freely on a Closed Lev­el.

Recap on the above writ­ten:  All pos­si­ble moves, cap­tures and the Prince.
3-D Checkers - The Next Generation3-D Checkers - The Next Generation3-D Checkers - The Next Generation3-D Checkers - The Next Generation3-D Checkers - The Next Generation

As not­ed ear­li­er in the game ‘Chess – The Future Gen­er­a­tion’:
It is very strong­ly rec­om­mend­ed to use a  white stone  or object to indi­cate who’s 
move it is.
 In fact the move is NOT com­plete until the white stone is passed to the next
play­er, which says: ‘That is my move!’ This is done because every­one can and will lose 
tract of who’s turn it is to play

Check­er Nota­tion shows the start of a move and the end of the move. This can
be done by stat­ing the board lev­el 1st with a cap­i­tal let­ter, fol­lowed by where the
check­er is locat­ed. – Then, where the check­er is going to stop (Board lev­el, checker
loca­tion). The start of a game is shown this way:

      -BLACK- -RED- -BLUE- -GREEN-
01. A11 – B15 A22 – B18 D9 – C13 D24 – D20
02. B15B22 A26C17 C13C22 D22 x B22
03. … A25C18 etc.

Notice how Green cap­tures Blue going straight up from D22 to B22.

When there are only Three Play­ers (my favorite), Black is tak­en out and
Blue is stretched out on the King’s row on all four lev­els. The four Princes are placed
on B1B2B3 and B4 as shown below. Red goes 1st fol­lowed by Blue and then Green.
(If you know what you are doing, Blue has the advan­tage)

3D Checkers for 3 Persons3D Checkers for 3 Persons
3D Checkers for 3 Person - use 3D red/cyan glasses3D Checkers for 3 Person - use 3D red/cyan glasses

As not­ed before make sure
that all the boards are fac­ing the same way
(the dou­ble cor­ner or dou­ble black square #28, #32 is on the right side).

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Now the last com­ment I made about the boards all fac­ing the same way is very impor­tant for the above game. Now, here it is Sep­tem­ber 2016 and I have not yet writ­ten pub­licly about the same game as men­tioned above but this time, every oth­er board is giv­en a quar­ter turn to the right. As a result, by mov­ing a check­er piece down or up one lev­el, the check­er piece can move side­ways in a very straight line (side­ways is not back­wards) or direct­ly for­ward in a very straight line. This gives the game a very real bizarre twist! The last time I wrote about this and sent away for copy­right was back in 1990. Here goes. The name I gave it back then was:..

3‑D Checkers — The Future Generation

Wel­come to the final fron­tier of the Future Gen­er­a­tion. Now that you have mas­tered the dimen­sion­al strat­e­gy of the two pre­vi­ous games, you are now ready for a new con­cept in check­ers which will change all the strat­e­gy that you have pre­vi­ous­ly learned. The board lev­els “B” and “D” are giv­en a ¼ turn to the right. The num­ber­ing for those boards starts with 1 in the top left cor­ner. All the rules for reg­u­lar check­ers still apply, it’s just the board to board move­ment and cap­ture that needs clarifying.


All the rules are the same, how­ev­er a Sin­gle Man (not yet crowned) is now able to move rank (side to side) or file (for­ward). This is done by chang­ing levels.


Cap­ture is done in a for­ward man­ner or on a rank. For exam­ple if a red piece was on A32 it could cap­ture anoth­er col­ored piece on B28 and land on C24 (A32 x C24) going for­ward. Or the same piece on A32 could cap­ture B31 and land on C31 (A32 x C31) going side­ways. Of course a com­bi­na­tion of those kinds of jumps could hap­pen, cap­tur­ing for­ward and then side­ways all in one move.


You will notice that the Princes in this game have become infe­ri­or or less capa­ble until the end of the game. They are able to move from one lev­el to anoth­er, and cap­ture on the lev­el that they are on.


The Crowned Prince is as the above but also has the capa­bil­i­ties of cap­tur­ing like a King.

…  … … … just when you had it all fig­ured out, it changed.

For a vari­a­tion, the same game can be played with­out the Princes.