

Wikipedia says: “Bob­by Fischer’s goal was to elim­i­nate what he con­sid­ered the com­plete dom­i­nance of open­ings prepa­ra­tion in clas­si­cal chess, replac­ing it with cre­ativ­i­ty and tal­ent. … Fis­ch­er believed that elim­i­nat­ing mem­o­rized book moves would lev­el the play­ing field.” The game became known as Fis­ch­er Ran­dom Chess but in 1991 it was changed to Chess960 and is gain­ing in pop­u­lar­i­ty (as is not­ed at chessbase.com).

Life is Chess & Chess is Life” — It’s been said that a Chess Mas­ter will win most chess vari­ants because of hav­ing more expe­ri­ence. That is true even in life as you gain more expe­ri­ence. 960 is great! It mim­ics real life.

3D Chess960

3D Chess960″ would be the same as Chess960 but it would be played on two boards as in “CHESSTHE NEXT GENERATION”. Plus there would be 16 open­ing moves (that does not exist in reg­u­lar 2D flat board game) and with­out the pre­de­fined pos­si­ble clas­sic openings.

'Chess960 – The Next Generation'

The above pieces have already been placed ran­dom­ly and there are still 16 pos­si­ble open­ing moves that would have nev­er hap­pen in a flat board game. This real­ly mim­ics real life! bring­ing out the best of your cre­ativ­i­ty and talent.
If you have those red/cyan 3D glass­es, then take a look at 3D-Chess960 in 3D .

How to set up Chess960


The pieces are ran­dom­ly placed on the back row, with the pawns on the next row, as usu­al. There must always be:

  1. One rook to the left of the king, and one rook to the right of the king.
  2. One bish­op on light coloured square, and one bish­op on a dark coloured square.

The start­ing posi­tions are always sym­met­ri­cal (as in reg­u­lar chess). … … For casu­al play, it’s sim­ple to set up a valid posi­tion by hand.

How to Castle in Chess960

First, as explained at Wikipedia, it’s the same rules as in reg­u­lar chess:

Castling pre­req­ui­sites are the same as in stan­dard chess, namely:

  • The king and the castling rook must not have pre­vi­ous­ly moved.
  • No square from the king’s ini­tial square to its final square may be under attack by an ene­my piece.
  • All the squares between the king’s ini­tial and final squares (includ­ing the final square), and all the squares between the rook’s ini­tial and final squares (includ­ing the final square), must be vacant except for the king and rook.
It also states: A rec­om­mend­ed way to cas­tle is always move first the king to its final square, then move the rook to its final square. … also use­ful for the play­er to state “I am about to cas­tle” before castling.

Castling(3.5mins spells it out so sim­ply and visually):

Chess.com says: The bot­tom line is that the King and Rook end up on exact­ly the same squares as they would in a stan­dard game.

Chess960 — 2D or 1 flat board

So what would a game of Chess960 look like? Click on the game below and it will begin play­ing out in about 10 seconds.

Chess960 game played out

Chess960 — 31 moves — back row randomized.

01. e2-e4 e7-e5
02. b2-b3 f8-d6
03. d1-e3 g7-g6
04. e3-c4 g8-g7
05. b1-c3  O‑O
06. c3-b5 b8-c6
07. b5xd6 c7xd6
08. c4xd6 c8-c7
09. d6-b5 c7-c8
10. f2-f3 c6-b4
11. b5-c3 a7-a6
12. a2-a3 b4xc2 +
13. c1xc2 b7-b5
14. b3-b4 f7-f5
15. f1-d3 f5-f4
16. c3-d5 c8xc2
17. d3xc2 a8xd5
18. e4xd5 d7-d6
19. g1-b6 g7-e7
20. O‑O d8-f7
21. b6xa6 e7-h4
22. a6xb5 f7-g5
23. b5-e2 f8-f6
24. d2-d3 g5-f7
25. a3-a4 f6-f5
26. d3-d4 f5-h5
27. h2-h3 e5-e4
28. c2xe4 f7-g5
29. e2-f2 g5xh3 +
30. g2xh3 h5-g5 +
31. g1-h1 h4xh3 +!

The tools I used to cre­ate the above game:

In order to record a game of 3D Chess960, use the Chess Nota­tion as seen above plus add the board lev­el in-front of the nota­tion so that it would look like: Aa1 — Ba1 (if a Rook was on that square mov­ing down). The top board lev­el is A, which is above the 2nd board below it, B.

Chess960 x2

To take this game to whole new fair lev­el, take Bob­by Fischer’s goal and mul­ti­ply it by 2 and what you’ve got is Chess960 x2 or both back rows are ran­dom­ized accord­ing to the rules of Chess960. This also would require play­ing two games, so that both play­ers would play the same — ran­dom­ized back row of the oth­er per­son. This is the end result of just the first game (click game board — the game starts to plays out in 10 seconds):


The above game plays out in 3 minutes.

Chess960 x2
Notice both sides are different.
Setup from a1 (Chess960) x2 for both back rows:
Black: Q B N R B K R N
White: N Q R N K R B B
       a b c d e f g h
qbnrbkrn/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/NQRNKRBB w - -
 1.d1-c3    a7-a6
 2.g2-g3    d7-d6
 3.f2-f4    c8-a7
 4.O-O-O    e8-c6
 5.h1-e4    c6xe4
 6.c3xe4    h7-h6
 7.c2-c3    a7-c6
 8.g3-g4    b8-a7
 9.g4-g5    f7 f6
10.g1-f2    O-O-O
11.a1-b3    a7xf2
12.f1xf2    a8-a7
13.e2-e3    d8-e8
14.d2-d4    e7-e5
15.g5xf6    d6-d5
16.e4-d6 +  c7xd6
17.b1-f5 +  c8-d8
18.f6-f7    h8xf7
19.f5xf7    c6-e7
20.f7-e6    d8-c7
21.f4xe5    d6xe5
22.e6xe5 +  c7-d7
23.b3-c5 +  d7-c8
24.e5-d6    b7-b6
25.c5-d3    a7-c7
26.d6-b4    g7-g5
27.d3-e5    c8-b7
28.a2-a4    a6-a5
29.b4-b5    e7-c8
30.b5xd5 +  b7-b8
31.f2-f7    e8-e7
32.f7-f6    e7-h7
33.e5-c6 +  b7xc6
34.f6xc6    b8-a8
35.c6xb6 +  a8-a7
36.d5xa5 ++

Now, take the above and play a game of “3D Chess960 x2″ and you’ve got a very excit­ing fair game with end­less fair pos­si­bil­i­ties so that each game will be very new.

If you have any com­ments, you could post them at my Flickr account or at my YouTube account.