Paul Glover

Hel­lo; I’m Paul Glover and if I have not yet met you I hope I do. As you browse this web­site, you’ll begin to see that I like to exper­i­ment and work with new ideas. That includes design­ing web pages with dif­fer­ent colour/colors and dif­fer­ent func­tions (some of those pages were designed a‑long-time-ago). This is impor­tant so that when talk­ing to clients I’ll know exact­ly what is best for them, what does and does not work and the rea­sons why. So have fun browsing.

On this page you will find almost every­thing you need to know about Paul Glover by means of the links on this WP theme and oth­er pages. For exam­ple my drop down menu and my Respon­sive Web Design pages (with more links at the bot­tom of those pages), which is the future of all web­sites as they need to be viewed in all kinds of devis­es (iPhone, Tablets, Desk­tops, TVs. etc.).

If you have any com­ments, you could make them at my Flickr account.